Frequently Asked EGS Questions (FAQ)

Welcome to EGS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). This document provides brief answers to questions often asked about the Electron Gamma Shower (EGS) radiation transport code. Much of the information provided here has been culled from posting to the EGS list server. Corrections and contributions to the FAQ are welcome. Please send the particulars to Webmasters.

Table of Contents

  1. What is EGS?
  2. How can I get EGS5?
  3. How can I get EGSnrc?
  4. How can I get EGS4?
  5. How can I get the KEK (low-energy) extensions to EGS4?
  6. What is the EGS-L (list server)?
  7. Why have I been removed from the egs-l list server?
  8. When and where is the next EGS course?
  9. Who is responsible for EGS and can it be used commercially?
  10. What are a few suggested readings for EGS users?
  11. Why do I get slightly different answers on different computers?
  12. Why are calculated values for stopping powers different than ICRU 37?
  13. Why do PEGS energy cutoffs affect EGS execution times?
  14. When do I use a semi-colon (;) to flush the Mortran3 input buffer? [*EGSnrc]
  15. How do I create a PEGS4 cross section file with multiple materials in it? [*EGSnrc]
  16. Do negative USTEP's affect my results?
  17. How many memory is necessary to run EGS5?[*EGS5]
Questions related to EGSnrc and EGS5 are indicated with [*EGSnrc] and [EGS5], respectively.

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last updated 2009-09-16