Why do I get slightly different answers on different computers?

An apparently identical run on a different computer will usually yield different results within statistical fluctuations since the floating point representations among different architectures is different. Imagine that a simulation takes a branch at a point, testing whether a random number, RN, is less than, say 0.5. Architecture 1 may produce a random number of 0.4999999 and architecture 2 0.5000001. The different machines then take different branches and the simulations are different.

Different results for different dynamic ranges of data sets are expected as well. PEGS data sets are fitted with a finite number of data point, 200-300. Thus the cross sections are more "coarser& for greater dynamic ranges. The cross sections evaluated at a given point will be slightly different. Again, results will differ from each other in a statistical fashion.

FAQ answer provided by Alex F. Bielajew

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last updated 10/04/01