EGS4 Source Code Availability and Distribution

The EGS4 code system and its various tools and utilities are copyrighted by Stanford University and the Canadian government, either explicitly or implicitly. The EGS4 code can be downloaded and used by any interested party for non-commercial purposes. Those who wish to obtain a license to use EGS4 commercially should contact Patrick Lui in the SLAC Office of Technology Transfer.

The people most responsible for recent improvements in the EGS4 code system are

  1. Alex F Bielajew,
  2. Hideo Hirayama,
  3. Yoshihito Namito,
  4. W. R. Nelson, and
  5. Dave W O Rogers

Unix Distribution

The latest Jan 2, 1997 unix distribution, version 3, of the EGS4 code is distributed by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). The URL for the NRC download site is

Please contact Dave Rogers if you have problems downloading the unix distribution from the above site.

PC Distribution

The PC version of the EGS4 code was prepared from the standard unix distribution by Dr. Harry Eleveld. However unlike the current unix distribution, the latest (Oct. 21, 1997) PC distribution of the EGS4 code includes the PRESTA bug fix described by Iwan Kawrakow (Oct. 8, 1997), and it also includes Lahey compiled versions of the XYZDOS benchmark EGS4 application. The latest distribution of the EGS4 code for WinTel (PC) computers is available from (egs/codes/zip/


NOTE: The PC version of the EGS4 code is distributed as a PKZIP file. Consequently, you will need zip utility such as the shareware program WinZip.

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last updated 2007-12-07