Tanaka, Shimane Prefectual Institute of Public Health and
Environment Science, Japan
T.Sugita, SSL
Y.Namito, KEK
The quick answer is:
Y1 (MB) = 154 + 90 MXMED
Y2 (MB) = 354 + 90 MXMED
Here Y1 and Y2 are memory size in MB of EGS5 and EGS5+OS respectively.
These values are on XP and linux.
If you computer does not have sufficient memory. Please try followings.
Remedy 1 : Reduce value of MXMED.
Remedy 2 : Reduce values of NBFIT and NEFIT in include/egs_h.f .
This default values are, NBFIT=128 and NEXFIT=32.
Possible new values are, NBFIT=2 and NEXFIT=2.
As these valiables are related to GS cross section, this modification works
as long as you do not use GS cross section.