How do I create a PEGS4 cross section file with multiple materials in it?

In a past posting to the EGS4 list server, Dave Rogers states "When I added an option to pegs4 to override the default data sets for the stopping powers, I introduced a bug which makes it impossible to create multiple data sets in one run. The bug is very hard to remove because of the NAMELIST input used by pegs. The patch is just to do several independent runs and then concatenate the resulting data files. The EGS4 system handles these files fine."

A DOS batch file something like

     @echo off


     IF EXIST pegs4.dat DEL pegs4.dat

     type water.peg > pegs4.dat

     type lead.peg >> pegs4.dat

     type air.peg >> pegs4.dat

should work. Here, PEGS4 cross section files called WATER.PEG, LEAD.PEG, and AIR.PEG are concatenated into the file PEGS4.DAT. Of course much more sophisticated batch files or unix scripts can be written to further automate the process.

FAQ answer provided by Rob Stewart

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last updated 10/04/01