Radiation Safety
Radiation Source
各区域情報Section Info.
(重要)大穂実験棟の放射線管理区域の一時的変更について(2024.12.06) [日本語]
Operation Schedule of Radiation Control Office during New Year Holidays [English]
電子陽電子入射器棟の放射線監視員詰所の廃止のお知らせ(2023.03.20) [日英]
Notice of Closure of Radiation Reception Desk in Electron Linac (2023.03.20) [Japanese and English]
KEKつくばキャンパスで放射線業務従事をする外来者へ個人線量計の運用変更のお知らせ(2023.02.17) [日本語]
Notice of Change in Operation of Personal Dosimeter(2023.02.17) [English]
News from Radiation Safety Superviser [only Japanese]
Guide and Regulations for Radiation Safety at KEK Tsukuba [English]
Radiation Safety System at KEK Tsukuba [Japanese and English]
Map of Radiation Control Areas in KEK Tsukuba [English]
各施設の放射線安全対策の詳細 (機構内アクセスのみ可) [日本語]
Details of the Radiation Safety at Each Facility in KEK (Accessible only within KEK) [only Japanese]
Action to be Taken in Case of Fire or Earthquake in the Radiation Controlled Area [only Japanese]
How to Register as a Radiation Worker [English]
Procedures for Suspension, Return, or Termination of Radiation Work [English]
KEK職員及びKEK学生の退職・異動時の手続き一覧 [日本語]
List of Procedures for Retirement and Transfer of KEK Employees and KEK Students [English]
Procedures for Changing Exposure Control Criteria for Women [English]
How to Access the Radiation Controlled Area for Radiation Workers [only Japanese]
一般安全許可可能者一覧 (機構内アクセスのみ可) [日本語]
Operation of Personal Dosimeter for Visitors at KEK [English]
How to Access the Radiation-Controlled Area for Lab Tour [English]
RI法施行規則22条の3で一時解除された管理区域への入域方法 [日本語]
How to Access the Temporal Deregulated Radiation Controlled Area by Article 22-3 [English]
How to Access "Warning Area" [English]
How to Access Radiation Controlled Area outside of KEK Tsukuba [English]
Procedures of Receive, Send, and Use of Radioisotopes [English]
Procedures of RI Production using compact ERL [only Japanese]
チェッキングソースの購入・受入・払出・一時持出・使用の方法 [日本語]
Procedures of Receive, Send, and Use of Nuclear Fuel Materials [only Japanese]
Radiation Reception and Radiation Reception Desks [English]
Radiation Control Office [English]
電子陽電子入射器棟の放射線監視員詰所の廃止のお知らせ(2023.03.20) [日英]
Notice of Closure of Radiation Reception Desk in Electron Linac (2023.03.20) [Japanese and English]
第2区域 / Section 2(ERL開発棟,北カウンターホール,開発共用棟)
第4区域 / Section 4(放射光科学研究施設光源棟)
第5区域 / Section 5(superKEKB,BT,PF-AR)
All Radiation Related Forms [Japanese and English]
様式2「放射線管理区域内作業計画・許可願」の電子署名の方法 [日本語]
Method of Electronic Signature on Radiation Work Form No.2 [only Japanese]
Hihg Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Tsukuba Campus, Radiation Control Office