Lecture Notes published as KEK Internal

Lecture Notes, which were used at the EGS4 Users' Meeting in Japan, can be requested from H. Hirayama (hideo.hirayama kek.jp).
  1. Y. Namito, H. Nakamura and H. Hirayama: Installation of EGS4 (Revised in 1999), KEK Internal 99-4, 1999
  2. H. Hirayama and Y. Namito: Lecture Notes of EGS4 Course at KEK, KEK INternal 99-5, 1999.
  3. H. Hirayama and Y. Namito: Lecture Notes of Radiation Transport Calculation by Monte Carlo Method, KEK INternal 2000-20, 2000.

PDF files of these lecture notes are available. When you download these files, tell it to H. Hirayama .
  1. KEK Internal 99-4 Japanese Part
  2. KEK Internal 99-4 English Part
  3. KEK Internal 99-5 Japanese Part
  4. KEK Internal 99-5 English Part
  5. KEK Internal 2000-20 Japanese Part
  6. KEK Internal 2000-20 English Part

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