Electron transport in electric and magnetic field
T.Torii (JAEA) and T.Sugita (SSL) incorpolated electron transport in electric
and magnetic field in EGS5 [1].
This code package can be used as an add-on for EGS5 code.
As a manual for this code package is being written,
please cite [1] as a reference.
[1] T. Torii and T. Sugita, "Incorporation the Electromagnetic
Field in the EGS5 Code", 14th EGS Users' Meeting in Japan,
KEK Proc 2007-5, 43-49 (2007).
Procedure for utilization
Please set the egs5_em_tool directory under the egs5 directory.
EGS5 can be either unix instllation or DOS installation.
As this code package contains calculation of time, egs5 should be
egs5.080723.tgz or later version in which time is calculated.
Please set the ucsampcg_em directory under the egs5/samplecodes .
Please modify egs5run or egs5run.bat in ucsampcg_em/ .
Please type in "egs5run" in the case of unix/linux/cygwin installation.
Please type in "egs5run ucsampcg_em" in the case of DOS installation.
A source file is ucsampcg_em.f. A geom file is ucsampcg_em.data.
A pegs inp file is ucsampcg_em.inp. An E_field data files are ucsampcg_em_field.dat
and ucsampcg_em_field2.dat. The iopt_electric_flag and iopt_magnetic flag are
used to turn on/off electric and magnetic field, respectively.
Files for download (100310 version): Consistent with egs5 Ver 1.0.4 and later
Old files for download : Consistent with egs5 Ver 1.0.3 and older.
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(Last modified on 10Mar2010 by YN)