EGS Bug Alerts

Beam of 300 MeV photons incident from the 
left on a 1-meter liquid-hydrogen
bubblechamber(B=1 Tesla)
To report a suspected bug in the EGS5-beta code, send an email message to Webmasters with a copy to Scott J. Wilderman, Alex F. Bielajew, Walter R. Nelson, and Hideo Hirayama.  

To report a suspected bug in the EGS4 code, send an email message to Webmasters with a copy to Alex F. Bielajew and Dave Rogers.  

To report a suspected bug in the EGSnrc code, send an email to Dave Rogers. 

At a minimum, please include the following information in your email

  1. Your name, affiliation, snail-mail and email addresses.
  2. Description of the problem.
  3. Suggested patch or fix for the problem (if you know of one).
  4. Version of EGS


EGS4/Version 3

EGS4/Version 2


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last updated 06-Mar-2015