4 Aug 2004 (Wed)
Opening remarks (9:00-9:05) (KEK) K. Kondo
Session 1 (9:05-11:05) EGS5 Chairperson: H. Hirayama
(1) New Electron Transport Physics in EGS5 (U Michigan) A.F.Bielajew (60')
(2) Optimizing the selection of step-size parameters
(U Michigan) S. J. Wilderman (60')
Coffee Break (11:05-11:25)
Session 2 (11:25-12:30) EGS5 (Cont') Chairperson: H. Hirayama
(3) New Photon Transport Physics in EGS5 (KEK) Y. Namito (40')
(4) Benchmark Calculations for EGS5 (SLAC) J. Liu (25')
Session 3 (13:45-15:35) MC in general Chairperson S. Wilderman
(5) Trends in High Performance Computing and Grids (NII) K. Miura (60')
Coffee Break (15:35-15:55)
Session 4 (15:55-18:00) EGS related tools Chairperson: J. Liu
(8) Development of EGSWIN System Based on EGS4 (Tsinghua U) R. Qiu
(9) Interfacing EGS4 with Geant4 - An Example of Virtual Monte Carlo Approach (KEK) K. Murakami
(10) LSCAT-GISMO - an object-oriented Framework for Particle Simulation (Physics Inst) J.Giersch
(11) ROSI - A Monte Carlo simulation for x-ray tubes (Physics Inst) F. Sukowski
(12) Examination of the Program to Avoid Round-off Error (Nagoya U) Y. Shiota
5 Aug 2004 (Thu)
Session 5 (9:00-9:50) Numerical Technique Chairperson: K. Koshida
(14) Comparison Convolution Method with Monte Carlo Simulation by EGS4 (Nagoya U) T. Kusunoki
Coffee Break (9:50-10:10)
Session 6 (10:10-11:25) Radiation Detector Chairperson S. Ban
Session 7 (13:00-14:50) Radiation Therapy: CREST project Chair person A. F. Bielajew
(18) Outline of the dose calculation system IMAGINE for radiotherapy (JAERI) K. Saito (10')
(19) Development of EGS4 user codes for IMAGINE (MRI) S. Takagi
Coffee Break (14:50-15:10)
Short Talks for Poster (15:10-16:30) Chairperson Y. Namito
Poster (16:30-18:00)
6 Aug 2004 (Fri)
Session 8 (9:00-10:15) Radiation Therapy Chairperson K. Tabushi
(24) Monte Carlo Calculation of In-air Output Factors (Yang-Ming U) PI. Wang
Closing Remarks (10:15-10:30) (U Michigan) A.F. Bielajew
KEK Tour (10:40-11:40)
(P1) EGS Particle Trajectory and Geometry Display Program CGVIEW Ver.1.2 (SSL) A. Takamura
(P7) Development of EGS-based 3D Brain SPECT Simulator (BLI) T. Yokoi
(P9) Exposure Doses to Medical Workers Concerning Positron Emission
Tomography (NIPH) I. Yamaguchi
(P13) Monte Carlo Calculation of@Normalized Glandular Dose in Mammography
(Yang-Ming U) JL. Hsu
(P14) Dose Distribution in the Human Body in General Radiography
(Kanazawa U) M. Hayakawa
(P15) Dose distribution of stray radiation for Interventional Radiology
(Kanazawa U) C. Kawabata
* Monochrome printed abstracts will be distributed at workshop.