UCMARS : A User Code with a Multiple-Array System using Combinatorial Geometry 1) ABSTRACT UCMARS is a user code foe EGS4 which allows the users to model many rectangular arrays containing a geometry modeled by a combinbatorial geometry with unlimited array nesting. This user code was tested on Sun sparc 20 with Sun OS 4.1.3. 2) INSTALLATION The procedure to install this use code is as follows. (1) Expanding source programs to hard disk uncompress mars.tar.Z tar xvf mars.tar (2) "Make" archive of MARS object libralies cd ./MARS make cd .. The archiv "mars.a" will be crated in directory ./MARS (3) Run ucmars.mor by using ./MARS/mars.a at f77 stage humanf.inp -- nars input data. Read from standard input (unit 5) pbody.dat -- material data. (4) Compare result with sample outout (humanf.out) 3) Following files are included. home directory: README This information file humanf.inp Sample input data humanf.out Sample output listings pbody.dat Cross section for sample problem ucmars.mor UCMARS MORTRAN source MARS: MARS fortran sources (from SCALE-4 system) Makefile makefile to create MARS archive abend.f abox.f albert.f argen.f azip.f blk1.f bod.f cali.f cell.f clev.f corner.f ctran.f cubic.f cwidth.f delta.f dipr.f dread.f dupr.f dxpr.f enfile.f error.f errtra.f ffpack.f ffread.f fidas.f finefi.f g1.f geni.f gg.f gtvlin.f ipack.f iread.f jomin.f jomin1.f jomin2.f level.f lookz.f orthom.f pilot.f pr.f qrtic.f restor.f rota.f rtexit.f sazar.f scanon.f skpblk.f sort.f stora.f trente.f unis.f y0read.f