Sample material input
(caution:note that parameter declaration is also required,
and the source should be located before the "call shower( )" in the main loop in case of randum-number is used.)
Source type Source input example
Pencil beam of 20 MeV e-
      iqin  = -1
      ekein = 20.0d0
      xin   = 0.0
      yin   = 0.0
      zin   = 0.0
      uin   = 0.0
      vin   = 0.0
      win   = 1.0
      wtin  = 1.0
Isotropic source of Cs-137
      iqin  = 0
      ekein = 0.662
      xin   = 0.0
      yin   = 0.0
      zin   = 0.0
      call randomset(r1)
      call randomset(r2)
      cost  = 2*(r1-0.5)
      phi   = 2*pi*r2
      sint  = sqrt(1-cont*cont)
      uin   = sint * cos(phi)
      vin   = sint * sin(phi)
      win   = cost
      wtin  = 1.0

* Note that if θ and φ are dedetermined by random numbers
the (u,v,w), after coordinate transformation, will not be unifoly prepared.

Another isotropic source of Cs-137
      iqin  = 0
      ekein = 0.662
      xin   = 0.0
      yin   = 0.0
      zin   = 0.0
275   call randomset(r1)
      call randomset(r2)
      call randomset(r3)
      zi0  = r1
      xi0  = 2.0*r2 - 1.0
      yi0  = 2.0*r3 - 1.0
      rr0  = dsqrt(xi0*xi0+yi0*yi0+zi0*zi0)
      if( go to 275
      win  = zi0/rr0
      uin  = xi0/rr0
      vin  = yi0/rr0

Isotropic source of Co-60
      iqin  = 0
      call randomset(r0)
      if(r0.le.0.5) then
      end if
      xin   = 0.0
      yin   = 0.0
      zin   = 0.0
      call randomset(r1)
      call randomset(r2)
      phi   = r1*pi
      thet  = (2*r2-1)*pi
      uin   = sin(phi)*cos(thet)
      vin   = sin(phi)*sin(thet)
      win   = cos(phi)
      wtin  = 1.0
Isotropic source of Ir-192

       iqin  = 0
         ne  = 7
      e0(1)  = 0.296
      e0(2)  = 0.308
      e0(3)  = 0.317
      e0(4)  = 0.468
      e0(5)  = 0.589
      e0(6)  = 0.604
      e0(7)  = 0.612

      wt0(1) = 0.287
      wt0(2) = 0.300
      wt0(3) = 0.827
      wt0(4) = 0.478
      wt0(5) = 0.045
      wt0(6) = 0.082
      wt0(7) = 0.053

       xin = 0.0
       yin = 0.0
       zin = 0.0

       rbin  = 1.0/real(ne)
       call randomset(r0)
       n     = int(r0/rbin) + 1
       ekein = e0(n)
       wtin  = wt0(n)*real(ne)

       call randomset(r1)
       call randomset(r2)
       phi  = r1*pi
       thet = (2*r2-1)*pi
       uin  = sin(phi)*cos(thet)
       vin  = sin(phi)*sin(thet)
       win  = cos(phi)
       wtin = 1.0

Volume source
      subroutine source(wtin)
      implicit none
      include 'auxcommons/instuf.f'
      include 'include/randomm.f'
      real*8 wtin,phi,thet,r1,r2,pi
      parameter (pi=3.14159265358979d0)

      iqin  =  0                ! incident particle charge 
      ekein =  1.0              ! incident particle kinetic energy
      xin   =  0.0              ! source position of x
      yin   =  0.0              ! source position of y
      zin   = -5.0              ! source position of z

      call randomset(r1)   
      call randomset(r2)   

      phi    =    r1     *pi    ! phi   :   0 ~ pi
      thet   = (2*r2 - 1)*pi    ! theta : -pi ~ pi
      uin =  sin(phi)*cos(thet)
      vin =  sin(phi)*sin(thet)
      win =  cos(phi)

      wtin  =  1.0              ! weight

      if(abs(uin*uin+vin*vin+win*win-1.0).gt.1.e-6) then
          write(6,'(A,3E12.5)')'The src-direction are not normalized.'
     *       uin,vin,win
       end if
Cone source