放射線科学センターでは、アメリカのSLAC(Stanford Lineasr Accelerator Center)、
ミシガン大、カナダのNRC(NRCC:National Research Council of Canada)と共同で、
電磁カスケードモンテカルロコードEGS(Electron Gamma Shower)
R. L. Ford and W. R. Nelson, "The EGS Code System: Computer Programs for the Monte
Carlo Simulation of Electromagnetic Cascade Shower (Version 3)", SLAC-210(June 1978).
W. R. Nelson, H. Hirayama and D. W. O. Rogers, "The EGS4 Code System", SLAC-265,
(December 1985).
Y. Namito, S. Ban and H. Hirayama, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A332, 227 (1993).
Y. Namito, S. Ban, H. Hirayama, N. Nariyama, H. Nakashima,
Y. Nakane, Y. Sakamoto, N. Sasamoto, Y. Asano, and S. Tanaka,
Phys. Rev. A51, 3036(1995).
H. Hirayama, Y. Namito and S. Ban, "Implementation of an L-Shell Photoelectron and
an L X-ray for Elements into the EGS4 Code", KEK Internal 96-10 (August 1996).
H. Hirayama, Y. Namito, S. Ban, R. Ikeda and Y. Tokuda, "EGS4 Shower Display System,
EGS4PICT(2), Windows Version", KEK Internal 94-10 (August 1994).
H. Hirayama, Y. Namito, S. Ban, R. Ikeda and Y. Tokuda, "EGS4 Shower Display System
(EGS4PICT), Windows Version 2.0", KEK Internal 96-9 (August 1996).
M. Fukushi, Y. Namito, H.Saitoh and K.Fukuda, "The Information Education using EGS4
Monte Carlo code of Tokyo Metropolitan University of Health Sciences", Proceedings of
Eighth EGS4 Users' Meeting in Japan, KEK Proceedings 99-15,7