* EGS4 Newsletter in Japan                    96ー4号 *
*                      1997年 1月 8日 *
*                     高エネルギー物理学研究所  *
*                      放射線安全管理センター *

   (hideo.hirayama@kek.jp, Fax 0298-64-1993)

<NRCC からのアナウンス>
Announcing the release of:
egs4unix_3.0  Version 3 of the NRCC EGS4 Unix System

Alex F. Bielajew and D.W.O. Rogers 
Jan 2, 1997

Version 3 of the EGS4 system for Unix boxes is now available.  
Unless there are very unusual circumstances, the distribution is
entirely via the internet. at:
and download what you need. 
Please register at the addresses given there so that
we have a list of people to send updates to - although
the egs4-l list will be the primary mode of supplying updates.
There is a long list of changes from Version 2, and this is available on
the distribution site. 

Briefly the major upgrades are:
Full portability to Sun/SunOS/Solaris, SGI/Irix, IBM/RS6000/AIX, HP/HP-UX,
DEC Alpha/OSF1 and PC/Linux machines (with thanks to Jan Seuntjens and
Iwan Kawrakow of NRC re Linux port, David Shipley, Simon Duane of NPL and
John Kim of U Michigan re HP port and Doug Ritchie of NRC and Ralph Nelson
of SLAC re the RS6000 port).

All patches to the code are included, in particular the patch regarding
the bug in the Moller sampling routine.
The NRCC user-code FLURZ is included, for scoring fluence in an
arbitrary cylindrical geometry and the user-code DOSRZ has new options to
score KERMA and/or scattered dose contributions.  Both codes have the
ability of using BEAM generated phase space files as inputs (see links
on the distribution site for info re BEAM, an EGS4 based system for
modelling radiotherapy accelerators).  The DOSRZ and FLURZ codes have had
significant contributions from Charlie Ma while at NRC (now at
Stanford), Daryoush Sheikh-Bagheri of NRC and Dr Assen Kirov of
Washington University.

EGS_Windows_3.2 is available for SGI users (major rework by Bill
Haneman of the  Lanzl Institute working at NRC).

The mortran3 compiler now has a 300K buffer (thanks to Ray Cowan at

The EXAMIN user-code now has a graphical interface to the public domain
code xmgr (with thanks for help to Andrew Booth) (information on getting
xmgr is part of the distribution).

A front end for using PEGS is available for Suns (PIF, with thanks to
Jennifer Karr).

The distribution site also includes(or soon will) links to the KEK
distribution site for some of their recent upgrades, although these have
not been integrated into the system as distributed.

For users of the BEAM system.  This version of the EGS4 system is fully
compatible with the less extensive  version distributed with BEAM but
there are no significant changes in that part of the system distributed
with BEAM. If you want the extra capabilities of the broader EGS4
distribution, you may replace the HEN_HOUSE in the BEAM distribution with
this one.

If there are problems or inquiries related to this distribution,
please contact:
Dave Rogers (dave@irs.phy.nrc.ca) or,
Alex F. Bielajew (alex@irs.phy.nrc.ca)

   I note that lots of people seem to be requiring multiple attempts to
download the long tar files in the egs4unix_3.0 distribution
using netscape/mosaic, especially those from overseas.

   I have thus established an ftp site which is accessible from the
same WWW distribution point, but which downloads as a straight ftp.
So you still go to:
and follow the link for the tar files (only - you can download the
INSTALL_EGS script + other things using the browser).

I hope this makes it easier to get the files.


D.W.O. Rogers				phone: 613 993-2715
IRS/INMS Bldg M-35			fax:   613 952-9865
National Research Council of Canada	e-mail dave@irs.phy.nrc.ca
Montreal Rd, Ottawa K1A 0R6

WWW  http://www.irs.inms.nrc.ca/inms/irs/papers/irs_www/irs_www.html

<egs4-l より>
Martin Lachaine recently asked the following question:

Also, does anyone know about a rule of thumb?  (about the smallest
scoring volume in EGS.)

There is no "numerical" or "computational" constraint on scoring
volumes or dimensions outside of the broad constraints of the handling
of real numbers in computers.

However, if details of electron transport are critical to your
application, then you should be aware that the Moliere multiple elastic
scattering theory cannot predict values below about:

72*(beta**2)/(Z**(1/3))/(Z+1)/rho (microns)

where beta is the ratio of the electron speed to the speed of light, Z
is the atomic number, rho is the density in g/cm**3.

(Below this limit transport still takes place but no deflection angle
is predicted.)

For example for selenium (Z = 34, rho = 4.5) this lower limit is about
0.14 microns in the relativistic regime (beta = about 1) and much
smaller than that for non-relativistic electrons.

Note that this is an absolute lower bound. For any guarantee of accuracy,
depending on the demands of the application it is nice to have dimensions
an order of magnitude greater.

To forecast the near future, in 1997 PRESTA-II will be released, having
resulted from a productive collaboration with Iwan Kawrakow (formerly U
Leipzig, now at NRC).  Due to some recent advances in theory, this lower
bound will disappear.  The inelastic physics will be somewhat
questionable in the nanometer range but the elastic problem will be
largely solved.

And, I hope that for almost any application, the question of step-size
dependence will virtually disappear from the Monte Carlo world.
Wouldn't that be wonderful!

A "beta-release" is planned for the spring with the official release
sometime in the summer. Watch this space for further announcements.
Pre-publication results and discussions will take place at the ICCR,
Seattle Transport Workshup, IOMP, E=MC**2 and ANS M&C meetings.

Hope to see some of you at these meetings!

Alex (aka BLIF)

<PC版の EGS4RUNP の修正>
 PCで PRESTA を使用しているユーザコードを実行する場合に用いる、EGS4RUNP
の橋本さんからの質問で判明しました。)EGS4RUNP を下記のように変更して使用


<UCNAI シリーズの user code の修正>

