WinMort is an executable version of the SLAC MORTRAN3 precompiler included
in the standard EGS distribution. WinMort includes a few file i/o enhancements over
the standard MORTRAN3 precompiler but is otherwise identical. WinMort should execute
on any Intel-based MS Windows 95/NT computer. It may also run under MS WFW 3.1x with
the Win32s patch, but I have not checked. Suggestions or comments about WinMort
should be addressed to Rob Stewart at For more information on the MORTRAN language, refer to SLAC-265 Appendix 4 and Appendix 5 |
In your autoexec.bat file set the WINMORT environment variable to the directory containing the file mortran3.dat. For example, add the line
last updated 09/28/01