2006-03-31 egs5-beta was released. 2006-08-28 egs5-beta-1.0.1 o egs: electr: Possible abnormal calculation which may happen for region dependent cut off energies was fixed. egs5_block_data: Physical constants were updated. egs5_block_data_atom.f: Physical data is expressed as D format. M shell average binding energies were considered for Auger energy of Na-Ca. o include: random.f **-48-->**(-48) : Preparation for g95 and Lahey compiler o pegs: g1e.f **-2 --> **(-2) : Preparation for g95 and Lahey compiler pmdcon Physical constants were updated. This affects rlc values of the order of 0.01%. The calculation result may be changed. o auxcode: cg_related.f : 8 kind of new type of bodies were introduced A bug was fixed. (Previously, for zone specification using multiple lines, "OR" in the head of 2nd line was ignored. ) plotxyz.f : Free format is adapted for PICT file. o auxcommons: voxel.f : Added for xyzdose.f . 2007.6.26 egs5-1.0.2 o egs: Automatic set up of initial weight for bremsstrahlung photons and EII photons after spliting (fbrspl, feispl) [Modification of collis, eii, block_set] o tutor1: Modification of condition of output in ausgab; iarg.eq.3 -> iarg.eq.3.and.ir(np).eq.3 o samplecodes/ucbend/ucbend.f Loop in howfar was deleted. Purpose of deleted loop: Let's assume the condition that electron path is deflected by magnetic field and electron crosses a boundary and electron path is shortened. The effect of B field should be weakened in propotional to electron path length. The porpose of the deleted loop is for this. But ignoring of this effect may be small because direction change due to B field is restricted to be less than 0.01. o samplecodes/ucsampcg/ucsampcg.f GEL body related part was added to howfar. o auxcommons/geom_common.f GEL body related part was added. o auxcode/cg_related.f GEL body related part was added. o auxcode/geomout.f write(39.50) was added. o auxcode/xyzbound.f Some formats for write statement were modified. G12.5->G15.7 o "beta" is omitted to simplify version name. Users need to remember that egs5 code is still beta condition because code development is continued. o slac-730: Description on following points were update. (All of these things were ALREADY included in egs5-beta on 31-March-2006.) - Calculation of charD: Based on modified bloomstick calculation. - Interpolation of charD: Z(Z+1)/A vs charD * rho . - Automatic calculation of estepe . 2008.8.21 egs5-1.0.3 (egs5.080723.tgz) o egs: Calculate time information. o cg sample code: Output time information. 2009.1.16 egs5-1.0.3 (egs5.090114.tgz) o Updated Table 2.3 of manual (The corresponding part of pegs5 has been updated on Aug. 2004.) 2009.2.6 egs5-1.0.3 (egs5.090206.tgz) o ucsampcg.f was changed. imax -> maxpict . imax has been included in geortz.f and geoxyz.f also. 2009.6.11 egs5-1.0.3 (egs5.090303.tgz) o egs5_hardx.f was modified. Patch for the case of sig0.le.0.0 was added. 2010.2.12 egs5-1.0.4 (egs5.100212.tgz) o Equivalence tvstep and ustep. (Track lenghth can be calculated by scoring ustep or tvstep as is written in the manual.) o Former variable called tvstep was renamed as tmstep. o Updated flowchart regarding all modifications until this day. 2013.3.8 egs5-1.0.401 (egs5.130308.tgz) o Modification of egs5run. Stops if executed before the definition of $BASKET. o Modification of egs/egs5_eii.f (Return if electron kinetic energy is smaller than binding energy. This happened due to numerical error.) o Manual. Fixed several typos. 2013.8.12 egs5-1.0.401 (egs5.130308.tar.gz) o File name is modified from egs5.130308.tgz to egs5.130308.tar.gz . Because Internet Explorer 10 automatically renamed *.tgz as *.gz . When egs5.130308.gz is uncompressed egs5.130308 is created and this has no information that indicates this is a tar file. Then each file can not be handled. To avoid this problem *.tgz is renamed as tar.gz. 2015.2.28 egs5-1.0.5 (egs5.150228.tar.gz) o Fix initialization of electric vector uf,vf,wf for splitted brems photon, fluorescent photon after photoionzation and EII and annihilation gamma at annihilation in flight. (Related files are collis.f, photo.f, eii.f. Affect only when LPOLAR=1) o Specify electric vector of source photon(ucsampl5.f, ucsampcg.f. Affect only when LPOLAR=1) o Deleted unused variables (egs5_edge.f) o Fix of geometry files (sph.f: Bug fix, sph2.f, cone2.f, cone21.f, cyl2.f: Modified comments) o Bug fix for source at vacuum (electr.f, photon.f) o Modifiied tutor7. Added mode for Doppler broadening. Related output (tutor7_wo_db.out) is added. o Region-wise switch for bremstrahlung splitting (collis.f, block_set.f, brempr.f) o Added tutor8. Example of region-wise switch for bremsstrahlung splitting. EII and its splitting are also inclded. 2015.11.26 (Notified to UM. Fixed on 13Jan2016) o Local extrapolation method (LEM) is suspended when photon MFP becomes negative (subroutine photon) 2016.1.13 egs5-1.0.6 (egs5.160113.tar.gz) o Typo of 0-degree C in chapter 2 of slacr730/kek report 2005/8. o Fix bug in rmsfit on using GS cross section. o Updated version of egs5run 2024.8.19 egs5-1.0.7 (egs5.231025.tar.gz) o include/egs5_edge.f nepm(MXEPERMED) -> nepm(MXMED) o egs5_block_data_atom data NEPM/MXEPERMED*1/ -> data NEPM/MXMED*1/ o Modify egs5_mscat i) if(ik1.gt.NK1) -> if(ik1.ge.NK1) ii) To prevent TVAL error with GS (231025-1425) o Modify egs5_uphi. If(costhe.eq.0.d0) u(np)=usav; v(np)=vsav 2024.10.10 egs5-1.0.8 (egs5.241010) o pegs/esteplim.f Change glitch trap from 60-140 MeV to 30-300 MeV Purpose: To suppress the incorrect value of esteplim around 150 MeV when the second and subsequent substances are compounds o pegs/g1e.f Switching between table values and analytical equations changed from 129.99 MeV->100 MeV Purpose: To suppress the incorrect value of g1e around 100 MeV when the second and subsequent substances are compounds o data/scslib/ Add eeldx96.tab-eeldx99.tab and peldx96.tab-peldx99.tab o Corrected to allow the maximum number of elements in a substance to be controlled by the value of the MXEL. - Modified files: include/egs5_h.f, pegscommons/mixdat.f, mxdatc.f pegs/pegs5.f, elinit.f, egs/edgbin.f