SPECanal suite download site


SPECanal suite provides gamma-ray spectrum analysis and nuclear data.

²                wPKarea        automatically searches  photo peaks and analyses net area on gamma-ray spectrum.

²                wPKdecay      decompose less than five decay components by a conventional non-linear least-square fitting.

²                wPKeff          estimates efficiency of Ge detector by conventional standard source method.

²                wPKidnt         provides quantitative identification of nuclide on the gamma-ray spectrum derived from peak energy position and peak intensity corrected by detector efficiency.

²                wPKview        is a viewer of spectrum (Spectrum window) and nuclear data (Energy list window and Nuclide window).

²                wNucCha       is browser of the nuclear data , it looks like a map of the nuclear chart.

²                nuclear data  is containing over 3,700 entries of stable and radioactive nuclides, includes over 147,000 energy lines of alpha-, beta-, gamma-, X-ray, Auger, and conversion electron.

Free Download

²                Install file      DOWNLOAD3 …  for setting up, includes exe, lst, and cab files and VB6 runtime.

²                Exe files        DOWNLOAD1 …  wPKarea, wPKdecay, wPKeff, wPKidnt, wPKview, wNucCha  … for update.

²                Exe file        DOWNLOAD2 …  run_pkarea.exe, called from wPKarea.

²                Nuclear data  DOWNLOAD2 …  nucl2k.mdb.

²                Text files       TEXT cells     manuals (in Japanese)


Attention !!

²                Install file (cab files) may include older exe files and nuclear data.

²                Newest files are uploaded on DOWNLOAD1 and 2 cells.

²                Please download exe file(s) and/or nuclear data, and then over write.