Contents of the errata

In the printed version of the "Proceedings of the Fourteenth EGS Users'
Meeting in Japan", following error or inconvinence were contained. 

Point. 1 (2007.12.20)

In the article at page 33-42, it was mentioned that "omega_K of Table 
of Isotope 8th edition is taken from Krause". 
This is corrected as, "omega_K of Table of Isotope 8th edition is 
taken from Bambynek-1984".

If you have received printed version of the proceedings and you are 
interested in the elated article, please print out 
omega-k-black-font.pdf and glue page 34, 35, 37 and 38 to your copy.

Point. 2 (2007.12.21) 

Figure quality was not good in page 1-6.

Electric version of the proceedings is already fixed about these points.